Does it seem to you that there aren't enough hours in a day for everything you want to do? It sure does to us. Being a citizen of the modern world, it sometimes seems that time is just slipping through our fingers. Sadly, the first thing we sacrifice is taking some time for ourselves, and we're all guilty of it!

We're here today to bring some good news though! All you'll need is some goodwill and 5 minutes per day. It sounds great, doesn't it? And we bet you can trade those 5 minutes of scrolling through your social media feed for significant benefits to your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. We're talking about the practice of 5-minute meditation.

What Exactly is 5-Minute Meditation?

Meditation is an ancient practice that helps you relax, reduce stress, and regain your focus. When you meditate, you take deep, calm breaths and center your spirit back into your body. The beautiful thing about meditation is that there is no right way to do it; you can do it from anywhere!

The purpose of meditation is to take a deep look into yourself and the state of your body. Most people tend to put this last on the list of our daily priorities, but it is essential for our mental and physical health.

5-minute meditation is a condensed version of a long-form meditation practice. Think of it as taking all the best of meditation and condensing it into a beautiful, small package. In that way, meditation is made more accessible to our busy daily lives, but it never loses all of its benefits.

Meditation at Home.

The Science Behind 5-Minute Meditation

You might think that five-minute meditation is another health fad, created just for the buzz. However, the truth cannot be further from it, as 5-minute meditation, and meditation in general, have tested proven health benefits. Yes, actual science! Let's discuss it a bit more.

Reduces Stress and Anxiety

We couldn't think of a single person who isn't affected by some kind of stress every day. Difficult situations can happen both at work and at home, but how we handle them is what matters. A quick meditation you perform every day might just be all you need to fight those pesky stressors.

Backed up by multiple scientific studies, even a short meditation session increases mindfulness and significantly reduces feelings of stress and anxiety.

Improves Focus and Concentration

Have you ever looked for your keys or phone while they were in your hands? We sure have. Brain fog is totally normal and happens to everyone. It especially happens when our minds wander into our never-ending lists of daily tasks.

Regular meditation can help you concentrate and restabilize your focus. Scientific studies have shown that the effects of mindfulness meditation are decreased anxiety and stress, as well as improved attention span and control.

Boosts Mood, Emotional Regulation, and Energy Levels

Regular meditation will also help you sleep better, which will significantly improve your energy levels. By clearing your mind and decreasing stress levels, meditation offers you the chance to fall asleep without all those last-minute worries and past-recalling thoughts. Sleeping better will boost your mood as well as your energy levels; no more grumpy mornings after battling insomnia.

It was also shown that even brief meditation helps with emotional regulation. People who regularly meditated were more compassionate, kind, and had more positive thoughts. There is actual proof that meditation can make the world a kinder, more positive place!


A Step-By-Step Guide To 5-Minute Meditation

So far, we've talked about what meditation is, and all the wonderful health benefits it offers us. But, at this point, you might think to yourself: okay, how do I actually do it then? Don't worry, because we made sure to write a full step-by-step guide on meditation to help you properly build a habit of it. Here we go!

1. Find a Quiet Space

The key to starting your meditation practice is finding a quiet space where you won't be disturbed. This can be in your home, office, or outside in a park. You can try out different locations until you find the perfect one.

You can even meditate in bed; find our guide here.

2. Make yourself comfortable

When you've secured your meditation space, make yourself as comfortable as possible. You don't want to be thinking about something scratching you or your muscles weeping in pain as you meditate, as this might ruin the experience.

Sit on the floor or something soft, cross your legs if you want to, or put your legs up. You can even lie down if that feels better. There are no rules, only that you feel safe, relaxed, and comfy.

3. Set a Timer for 5 Minutes

Setting a timer for 5 minutes will help you center all your focus on meditation, instead of worrying about the time. You can always prolong the time if you want, but setting a clear time limit in the beginning can make you more mindful of the time you're spending.

4. Close Your Eyes and Breathe

Now is the time to start meditating. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Breathe in through your nose, and slowly breathe out through the mouth. No sudden movements, no interruptions; just you and your breath. Controlled breathing helps reduce your stress levels.

5. Focus on Breathing

Continue focusing on your breathing in the meditative state. Stay in the moment and bring awareness to your breathing technique. You will start to relax, and be free from overflowing thoughts.

This practice can reduce stress, enhance mental clarity, and improve your overall sense of well-being. Additionally, regular meditation can lead to better emotional balance, increased concentration, and a greater ability to manage daily challenges with a calm and centered mindset.

6. End Your Session With Mindfulness

The timer will eventually go off as the sign to finish your meditation practice of the day. Slowly open your eyes, and take a few deep breaths before continuing your day.

Building a Regular Meditation Habit

Here are some quick last tips for building a consistent habit of meditation:

  • Start with a guided meditation. If you’re new to meditation or find it difficult to focus, guided meditation can be a great option. It involves following a pre-recorded meditation session, where a guide provides instructions to help you stay focused in the meditative state.
  • Use different online resources and apps to learn meditation techniques. You can even listen to a meditation podcast to help you create a habit.
  • Take the same 5-minute break every day. Build it around your daily schedule.
  • Set reminders on your phone or calendar to make quick meditations a regular part of your day. If you're still finding that difficult, our accountability app is here for you. Having your own personal coach poke you and making sure you follow your meditation schedule every day will help you stick to it.

Food For Thought

  • When was the last time you took some time for yourself and your health? How did it feel before and after it?
  • Does it sometimes feel impossible for you to focus on work tasks? How is your attention span?
  • Do you have a hard time relaxing? Would taking a designated break in the day help you with it?


What is the best time to meditate?

The best time for a meditation practice depends only on you and your needs. Are you more of a morning bird or a night owl? You can make meditation a part of your morning routine and start the day focused and ready. If your brain is most active at night and keeps you from falling asleep, include meditating as part of your bedtime routine.

In reality, the best time for meditation is going to be the time of day that you can consistently follow every day. If you're having a hard time figuring that out, we offer an up to two weeks free trial on our coaching app, which can help you create an efficient schedule and gently remind you to keep up with it.

How do I set up my space for meditation?

Choose a place in your home or in nature that brings you peace and happiness. Make sure that this is a comfortable and safe place where you can sit or lay down, and a place you can come to every day. You don't need any special equipment to meditate, but you can bring a mat, pillow, or towel to sit on.

What if I can't stop my mind from wandering?

A wandering mind can certainly seem like a big problem, especially at the beginning. The good news is that all of us who meditate have been through this, and we can tell you that it gets much easier the more consistent you are.

While meditating, the goal is not to completely stop your thoughts from appearing. Instead, you should gently guide your focus towards your breathing every time they show up. With time, this will be much easier to do, and you'll be a real meditation pro!

How will I know if I'm meditating correctly?

There are no rules on proper meditation, so you don't have to worry too much about it. As long as you are trying, being consistent with it every day, and being present in the moment, you are meditating correctly.

How long should I meditate for?

If you're a beginner, you can start small with just a couple of minutes, and from there, once you gain momentum, escalate it to 10 to 15 minutes for added benefits. Read more on the correct amount of time to meditate here.


Incorporating a simple 5-minute meditation practice into your daily routine can change your life in so many ways. Most importantly, meditation reduces stress and anxiety, clears your mind, and opens it to productive and positive thoughts. This will boost your mood and energy levels and improve your sleeping patterns. By starting a new habit of meditating for 5 minutes every day, you will unlock a new era of your life with countless possibilities.

The practice of 5-minute meditation itself is fairly simple. You don't need any special equipment, and you can do it anywhere. Give it a try and experience the peace, clarity, and balance that 5-minute meditation can bring to your life.

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