My wife Grace has been using GoalsWon and gave Joel and I some feedback recently:

"Feel stressed not being able to get all the ticks. I just want to put down the tasks in my mind that need to be done but not on the same day. For those I prefer a checklist"

This does make a lot of sense.

Right now you can only set a goal either today or tomorrow, which doesn't work well for goals that either:

  • you want to schedule further in the future (eg- finish clearing the garage next Sunday)
  • you want to get done when you have time, but don't 't have a fixed deadline (eg- setup new email templates)

For the first point, we had always planned in the rebuild (currently underway) to allow flexible date scheduling, both for repeating and non-repeating tasks. For example, yoga class every Tuesday, or give the presentation on the 20th of this month.

But we've been thinking also about the second point, which are goals that aren't assigned to a date, basically that would go into an "inbox". After some discussion we decided it would be a good idea to have, and have added it to our rebuild list.

We anticipate that some people will go to that inbox and assign them to dates, but many times folks will just complete the goals from the inbox.

So our model becomes a little more complicated than now with an extra section to add, but we think it will make GoalsWon more flexible and useful to our clients.

Hopefully later this month, Joel, Leo and I will be able to start using an internal prototype for goals and inbox and see how we feel with it in actual use...

ps - having your wife use your own accountability service is great personal accountability! 😉

Til next week,
Simon (and Joel)
Co-Founders, GoalsWon

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