Fitness and skill or Netflix and chill? Most of the time, the only thing that stands between a fit you and a couch potato version of yourself is a choice.
Unfortunately, it's just so much easier to choose lying in bed or slouching on the sofa all day. However, that lack of motivation leads to so many health concerns down the road.
I recognize the dilemma, oh-so-well. Luckily for you, I have some answers, and I'm not one to gatekeep life hacks from people who are determined to change the course of their lives!
It's time to lift yourself up from that self-disserving couch and realize that you are deserving of the best version of yourself. I'll show you how to boost workout motivation for prolonged dedication.
Common Workout Pitfalls That Diminish Motivation

Identifying what to avoid is just as important as identifying what to achieve. When you're the new kid in the fitness industry, it's easy to get lost in the excitement, eagerness, and passion of it all.
While these are inherently good attributes to have, they also tend to lead to some of the most common workout pitfalls that diminish motivation. Here are some of them that you must avoid at all costs:
Aiming Too High (And Expecting Instant Results)
It always goes back to that enduring quote: Rome wasn't built in a day. While goal-setting is an integral part of personal development, aiming too high can be dangerous too.
Granted, you may not be expecting your body to look like Thor's after a day of working out. But never forget that these things take time.
It might take two months, a year, maybe even two. Everyone's journey is different, and other people's finish lines could just happen to be closer to their starting points than yours.
Frustration Over Not Losing Weight
Here's a hard pill to swallow; some people may find it extremely difficult to lose weight regardless of how hard they work out. I've seen dozens of people abandon their fitness journey because of this.
One thing many gym-goers don't realize is that their diets contribute to their body weights just as much as exercise does. So, if this is a struggle for you, maybe it's time to shift your focus to a different aspect of your life. Also, we always advise to seek professional advice in case any underlying conditions are going on.
Losing Your Way
"I'll skip the gym today. In the grand scheme of things, what's one day of not exercising, right?" Then, one day turns into one week, and one week turns into one month, and the next thing you know, your gym membership card is but a piece of plastic in your wallet.
Working out is actually fairly easy. It's choosing to work out on days you don't feel like hitting the gym that's difficult. Don't worry. I've got the antidote (or antidotes) for that.
Tips To Get You Through Your Gym Sessions

It's not always about lifting a 300-pound barbell off the floor. Most of the time, it's a matter of lifting your body off the bed. I know. Lifting weights is at the core of working out.
However, how can you expect your body to undergo a physically demanding task if your mind is just not in the right place? It's time to start lifting your spirit, too. Here are some tips that might help you out.
Chill Out, Then Get Sweaty
Tip number 1? Relax. Turn on your TV, open Netflix, watch your favorite show, and chill. Okay. I know it sounds like this isn't a workout motivation article after all, but hear me out.
A study by Jaye Derrick indicates that, under specific conditions, watching your favorite TV show could restore self-control and motivation.
So, whenever you feel like you've used up all your willpower, an episode of Friends or Game Of Thrones might actually be what you need.
But hey, don't forget about the goal. One episode, then go hit the gym. If this is too risky for you, learning more about the best time management strategies should help you be more disciplined.
Budget-Friendly Home Gym

Don't feel like heading out? Then stay at home! If you're most comfortable (and most motivated) when you're in your comfort zone, you don't have to go to the gym. Instead, just bring the gym to you!
Your workout routine doesn't always have to include fancy equipment, anyway. Chairs, benches, yoga mats, and sofas could be useful for lunges, dips, sit-ups, and push-ups after all.
A budget-friendly home gym also eliminates the awkwardness and self-consciousness of exercising around strangers, making you more likely to stay motivated.
Not sure what kind of workouts you can do at home? You can start with some of the most effective body wellness techniques instead.
The Power Of Podcasts
Sometimes, your mind will feel tired before your body does, especially when you step on the treadmill with nothing else to focus on. It feels like an eternity, doesn't it?
Wouldn't it be nice (and motivating) if there's someone with you telling you stories or making you laugh? Well, you can have that, actually.
Maximize the power of your smartphone and listen to your favorite podcast while working out! It might be the one thing you need to stay engaged.
Get Giddy With A Workout Buddy

"Let's do this! Come on! We can do it! Wow, you look fantastic! You've made excellent progress since day one!" Sometimes, we just need to hear these words to keep us motivated.
That's why finding your fitness tribe or working out with a friend can significantly change your fitness game. You can even set up competitions with them to make exercise more interesting!
If you want all of the benefits of an accountability buddy, plus some professional accountability tips and nudges every day of the week, you can always try our coaching app for free and see for yourself the power of accountability.
Appsolutely Essential!
Have you considered downloading a fitness app? It could be the only motivational tool you need to keep you on track.
There's an app for virtually anything! Find one that tracks your progress, monitors your performance, and keeps you accountable—anything that helps you stick to your goals. In this post we curated a list of the best workout apps out there to save you some time.
I know a smartphone is a double-edged sword (doom-scrolling and whatnot), but it could also be your wingman! Knowing that you're moving forward is a powerful motivator, and having your workout data on your phone validates your progress. (Numbers don't lie!)
Pump Up The Jam
Who doesn't start shadowboxing as soon as Eye Of The Tiger plays? It's as if the song flips a switch in our brains that activates our laser-like focus. Music has that kind of physical effect on all of us.
And it's not just because of Rocky Balboa, mind you. One study found that music enhances physical performance and reduces perceived exertion.
So, if you don't feel like moving around, maybe a good playlist is all you need to get you in the feels.
Wear Your Confidence (Gear Up!)

Remember when you were a kid and your parents bought you a new pair of shoes? How excited were you to go to school?
That feel-good hype is a powerful tool to get you excited to work out. So, don't think twice about investing in workout clothes that make you feel amazing, it's been shown to amp up one's motivation!
The first few days or weeks of hitting the gym are usually the hardest (so many people fail to continue their journey during this phase). Gearing up will help you get over it until working out becomes a habit.
Self-Motivation: Channel Your Inner Champion
"I am the greatest. I said that even before I knew I was." These were the words of Muhammad Ali. Essentially, what he's saying is that the secret weapon to becoming a successful warrior is self-belief.
Believe that you are capable of crushing your goals. Visualize yourself having the physical capacity to run those miles and lift those weights.
Try to come up with a mantra that will awaken your inner champion every time you hit the gym. Better yet, prepare a list of the best motivational quotes you could find to keep you inspired.
Document Your Journey
Take those pictures. Record those videos. I don't care if people find you weird or uncool. Document your journey! You'll thank me later.
Taking pictures and videos will track your progress. In other words, you have media to look back on whenever you need reminders of how far you've come.
Seeing your improvement will keep you motivated, leading you to hit the gym more frequently.
A Few Unusual (But Extremely Helpful) Tips [From Reddit]
I wouldn't be surprised if you've read some or most of the tips above somewhere before. They're astoundingly efficient, which is why they're almost always part of workout tips.
However, if you're like me, you know there's an invaluable space on the internet where you can find tips on anything under the sun.
The treasure trove of wisdom on every topic imaginable, including working motivation; Reddit. Here are some of the best tips I found from this goldmine of a community.

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Dopamine Detox, Anyone?
There are so many things in this world that are inherently addictive. Social media, for instance, provided us with an avenue to surrender to instant gratification.
I know it sounds unrelated when you look at it from a distance, but limiting social media use actually avoids large dopamine spikes.
Because of that, your brain becomes more sensitive to smaller, more regulated dopamine releases. As a result, the dopamine released during a workout feels more rewarding, making the activity more enjoyable and "addictive."
Atomic Habits Over Goals
Goals can keep you motivated because you'll always have your eyes on the prize. But they're not a foolproof method to keep you working out.
Habits might work better than goals, especially since habits and routines will get you further in any endeavor than motivation ever will.
One Reddit user suggests "atomic habits." Forget schedules and deadlifts and gear! Instead, install a pull-up bar in a doorway leading to the bathroom.
Every time you pass by the doorway, do a pull-up. These small, "atomic" habits, done consistently, will work better for your body than complex workout regimens that you abandon after a month.
That's because the achievability of the goal plays a crucial role in your behavior and habit formation. In other words, aiming low and hitting the target is better than aiming high and missing it.
As Mike Matthews once said, "You can exert as much self-control as you think you can. If a mini-habit isn't working, it's probably just too big."
Pairing these small habits with habit-tracking apps will help you unlock your full potential, too.
"I Don't Have To, But I Can"
Reframing your mindset about working out, or more specifically, having to work out, could also awaken the drive within you to do it.
Don't think of working out as something that you must do. Instead, see it as something that you can do, because you are gifted a body that can accomplish things.
Seeing things from a place of gratitude guarantees a quick motivational boost.
Win-Win: Pairing Workouts With Your Favorite Things
How much time do you spend scrolling on TikTok every day? Imagine if you could use that time to exercise instead.

Right. I get it. Working out is simply not as exciting and instantly rewarding as watching cute cat clips or funny skits on social media.
But then again, who's to say you can't enjoy both? If you don't find workouts exciting, then use the "exciting" activity to make it more appealing.
Every time you catch yourself scrolling on TikTok, hop on the treadmill! You get the dopamine hit from social media scrolling, and the dopamine hit from exercising as well!
Dedicating your time to working out instead of (or, at least, during) social media consumption is one of the most effective ways to optimize your physical health.
Food For Thought:
- Do you define success by the numbers on the scale or by how you feel overall? How can you celebrate non-scale victories?
- What positive affirmation do you use to hype yourself up when working out?
- What inspired you to start your fitness journey? How can you use this to stay motivated?
- Imagine your future self after achieving your fitness goals. What does that look and feel like?
- What activities outside of the gym do you enjoy that are also good for your overall health?
How do I motivate myself to work out?
The thing about working out and motivation is that they're different from one individual to another. There isn't a one-size-fits-all solution to address these concerns. The best thing you can do is to find out what works for you and stick with it. Try setting smaller goals, listening to music, or finding a workout buddy, until you determine what motivates you to work out.
What is the best workout motivation?
Progress is the best workout motivation. Seeing your body's development since day one will encourage you to keep working out. That's why documenting your journey to a fit body is among our best tips. Nonetheless, testing out all the other strategies on our list and reading workout quotes from time to time should help you determine what gets you moving.
How do I motivate someone to exercise?
Patience, praise, and leading by example are some of the most effective ways to motivate someone to exercise. Recognizing that changes in someone's determination to stay fit take time, providing positive affirmations for his/her efforts, and demonstrating your commitment to fitness should keep your friend or loved one motivated. If you're feeling generous you can consider gifting them a subscription to a workout app or accountability app to help them stick to it.
Why am I not motivated to workout?
Unrealistic expectations, boring workouts, and even your perspective or attitude towards fitness, could all be contributing to your lack of motivation. Re-evaluating your routine and setting up goals (with actionable steps on how to achieve them) should help address this concern.
If this is something you struggle with, we encourage you to try our personalized coaching app, having your own mentor keeping you accountable while ensuring your progress is recognized will keep demotivation at bay.
Are there psychological techniques to increase exercise motivation?
Yes, psychological techniques like setting clear goals, visualizing success, and self-talk can significantly enhance motivation. Additionally, building a routine that reduces the need to make daily decisions about exercising can help make working out a habitual part of your day.
Can workout apps really help improve motivation? If so, which ones are the best?
Workout apps can be highly effective in keeping you motivated by tracking progress, providing structured plans, and offering community support. Here are our top picks!
How can I make workouts fun?
Varying your workout routine, mixing in different physical activities, and incorporating elements you enjoy, like music or outdoor settings, can make exercise more enjoyable. Group classes or team sports can also add a social element to make workouts more engaging!
How do I deal with gym intimidation or anxiety as a beginner?
Start by familiarizing yourself with the equipment during less busy hours and consider hiring a personal trainer to build confidence. Remember, everyone at the gym was a beginner at some point. Staying focused on your own progress and setting realistic goals can also ease gym anxiety.
How to motivate yourself to workout in the morning?
Motivating yourself to work out in the morning starts with making exercise enjoyable. Start with wearing workout clothes that make you feel amazing, then pair the activity with something you enjoy, like listening to a podcast. Continue this process until working out becomes part of your morning routine. By then, habit formation becomes your primary driving force, which is much more reliable than motivation.
Lift Your Spirits, Lift Those Weights

Jack LaLanne, the "Godfather of Fitness," once said, "Your health account, your bank account, they're the same thing. The more you put in it, the more you can take out."
That line perfectly reflects the importance of a healthy body. However, I understand that sometimes, you simply don't have the drive to get things done, let alone work out, and that's okay.
What matters is that you persevere through the days you don't feel like doing anything. Enduring means accepting that motivation won't always be there, but it's our responsibility to keep looking ahead.
"What are the things I can do to get over this phase? How can I motivate myself? How do I make exercise exciting?"
Aside from testing out the tips above, developing strategies with your coach will help you overcome the most common struggles that come with work motivation (or lack of it).
We'll help list your spirit so you can lift those weights. Try us out and see how drastically your attitude towards working out changes. Up to two weeks are free. See you there!