As a night owl, one of the most challenging parts of my day is the morning. I used to religiously set five alarms in 15-minute intervals just to make sure I woke up on time.

I even set alarms to remind myself to pay bills or drink medicine because of how forgetful I am! Guess what? There were multiple occasions that these alarms still failed me (or, more accurately, I failed them).

The operative word there is "failed." Past tense. Ever since I started using an accountability alarm app, you bet that took me out of bed in seconds!

I know this doesn't sound that life-changing to some, but for those of us who struggle with getting up in the morning or organization (and a generous sprinkle of forgetfulness), an accountability alarm app is a holy grail!

Why Use Accountability Alarm Apps?

An alarm clock is just an alarm clock. One tap on the snooze button and you're free to continue your peaceful sleep. But what if I told you it could be so much more than that? Nowadays, we're blessed with countless accountability alarm apps to ensure we're up before we can hit the snooze button.

Some of them can even go beyond just waking you up and actually help you do the things you need to do. Once you realize just how life-changing their benefits are, I'm sure you'll be downloading one in no time. So let's get into those benefits, shall we?

Rise and Shine

Sleeping in is so easy when all you have to do is reach out to your phone and swipe to disable your alarm. But when a layer of solving a math puzzle, taking a picture of a specific location, or walking is added to the equation, it becomes a totally different ball game.

Accountability alarm apps engage your mind and body to ensure you're fully awake before you can quiet them down.

Self-Monitoring & Reminders

Some accountability alarm apps do more than just wake you up. They also serve as a gentle nudge by reminding you to stay focused on your goals. These reminders may come as alarms, while others pop up as notifications.

This layer of self-monitoring is all you need to be accountable, take responsibility, build better habits, and transform your life for the better.

Progress Tracking

Sometimes, knowing how far we've come is more than enough motivation to keep us going. Whether it's a fitness goal, a new hobby, or a work schedule, accountability alarm apps track your progress and provide relevant details of your achievements.

Aside from showing you where else to improve, these progress reports are evidence of your hard work, letting you know that you're slowly but steadily developing.

Best Accountability Alarm Apps

1. Alarmer


  • Free (with ads)


  • Play Store: N/A
  • App Store: 5.0

"John will be late for work today because he chose to sleep in." Imagine your secretary or supervisor receiving this message. You probably wouldn't want to, but did you know that downloading and using the Alarmer app can do that?

It's a pretty straightforward tool. You just have to assign a contact within the app and write a custom message. The next time your alarm rings, you must verify that you're awake. Otherwise, your custom message will be sent to your assigned contact.  


  • Straightforward
  • User- and beginner-friendly
  • Free


  • Not available on Android

2. Alarm Clock Puzzle


  • Free


  • Play Store: 4.0
  • App Store: N/A

The Alarm Clock Puzzle lets you combine waking up with early morning mental exercise. If you want the alarm to stop ringing, you'll have to solve puzzles of varying difficulty. The idea behind it is that the mental challenge it takes to complete the puzzles ensures you're fully awake by the time you're done.

It's an excellent opportunity to get some workouts for your brain to kick off your day. Some of the challenges are actually quite fun, too!


  • Mentally engaging
  • Free
  • Wide range of puzzles


  • Limited to puzzle-based activities
  • Not available on iOS

3. Alarmy


  • Free
  • Basic: $4.99/mo. or $41.99/yr.
  • Premium: $7.99/mo. or $59.99/yr.


  • Play Store: 4.7
  • App Store: 4.8

This is probably one of those few instances where the developer takes pride in their creation being labeled the "most annoying alarm app." Alarmy's wake-up tasks range from taking a picture, solving a math equation, or shaking the phone.

All of these challenges ensure you don't sleep through your alarm (you can't turn it off anyway unless you successfully accomplish the necessary task). The premium version provides you with more challenges and other personalization features.


  • Wide range of challenges and tasks
  • Customizable


  • It's "annoying" (which could be a positive thing to some)
  • Relatively higher premium price point

4. iOS Accountability Alarm


  • Free (iOS automation features)


  • Play Store: N/A
  • App Store: N/A

Got people in your life who are [absolutely] supportive of your development? The iOS Accountability Alarm wakes up friends if you sleep through the ringing. Just be ready for the inevitable lecture from your friends if you fail to get out of bed.

Okay. The app doesn't actually exist (yet). It's a fun (and probably unhinged) concept proposed by a web developer named Soren Iverson. However, a Threads user named peterdrood pointed out that you can actually do this using iOS shortcuts.

Basically, the automation features of iOS allow you to call an assigned contact if your alarm is snoozed. So, with a bit of tinkering on your phone, the iOS accountability alarm turns into reality, completely free! Although the friendship it might cost you is priceless, so be careful. (Kidding!)


  • Free


  • Takes a while to set up
  • Only available on iOS

5. SpinMe Alarm Clock


  • $1.99


  • Play Store: N/A
  • App Store: 3.9

It's exactly what the name suggests. The SpinMe Alarm Clock urges you to physically "spin me!" to stop the ringing. You probably already know how beneficial exercise is for jumpstarting your day.

Although the physical task of spinning isn't a replacement for your morning jog, it's a physical task nonetheless. It's a fun, innovative, and effective method to wake up completely. Just be careful not to lose your balance early in the morning!


  • Fun and unique
  • No subscription required


  • May be disorienting at times
  • Only available on iOS devices
  • No free version

6. Mimicker Alarm


  • Free


  • Play Store: N/A (must be downloaded from Microsoft)
  • App Store: N/A

Microsoft was never one to fall behind when it came to innovative technology. The Mimicker alarm from MS Garage adds a playful twist to your morning routine. The app requires you to mimic facial expressions or specific actions to turn the alarm off (hence the name).

The alarm ensures you're alert and awake by ensuring you pay full attention to the task. What I love most about this is that the tasks are effective yet they aren't physically intensive, making waking up less of a chore.


  • Easy yet effective tasks
  • No subscription required


  • Some tasks become repetitive

7. GoalsWon


  • Free trial
  • $90/mo. (billed monthly)
  • $60/mo. (billed annually)


  • Play Store: 4.5
  • App Store: 4.9

Ever felt like all that's missing in your life is a personal coach to keep you focused? You've got the goals down. You have the capacity to achieve them. You just lose motivation sometimes. Well, GoalsWon ensures all your goals are won!

The app pairs you with a personal coach who provides daily check-ins (7 days a week) and progress tracking so you know where you are in terms of hitting your targets. It doesn't offer the usual alarm features, but its detailed progress reports and daily updates are enough to keep you accountable.


  • Personalized coaching
  • Detailed reports for progress tracking
  • Daily check-ins


  • No alarm features

Ready to transform your life?

Join GoalsWon and get daily accountability coaching.
We'll keep you on track to your goals through tailored tactics and daily feedback.
Claim Your Free Trial

8. Ever Accountable


  • $9.99/mo.
  • $89.99/yr.


  • Play Store: 4.6
  • App Store: 4.3

If you're looking to go beyond just waking up early to change the course of your life, check out Ever Accountable. While it doesn't have traditional alarm features, the app teaches you to take control of your life and develop your accountability.

Ever Accountable monitors your browsing history and how long you spend on certain apps to reduce distraction and redirect your energy to productivity. It's one of the best tools for those who struggle to stick to their goals.


  • Detailed reports
  • Reduces distractions
  • Perfect for those who work at home


  • No alarm features

9. Walk Me Up! Alarm Clock


  • Free (with ads)
  • Premium: $1.99


  • Play Store: 4.3
  • App Store: 4.2

Walk me up before you go-go! If running or jogging in the morning isn't your cup of tea, have you tried walking? The Walk Me Up! alarm clock keeps you accountable by making sure you physically get out of bed and walk before you can turn the alarm off.

This is an excellent option for those who autonomously and unknowingly hit the snooze button while they're still half asleep. The physical activity ensures you're not just awake but also up and about to start your day.


  • Promotes physical activity
  • No subscription required
  • Great for heavy sleepers


  • May not be the best option for those who live in smaller spaces

10. Routinery


  • Free (with ads)
  • Premium: $4.99/mo.


  • Play Store: 4.5
  • App Store: 4.7

Habit formation is an integral part of personal development. When tasks become part of your routine, everything else falls into place. Routinery is your gateway to building and maintaining these daily routines. The app provides reminders and progress tracking for those who need structure in their lives.

Its accountability and routine-building features boost productivity so you can become the best version of yourself. If you want it to be more tailored to your needs, the premium version provides you with several customization options, among other features.


  • Effective for routine-building
  • Progress tracking
  • Customizable


  • Ads might be too bothersome

11. Forfeit


  • Free


  • Play Store:
  • App Store: 4.8

How serious are you about your goals? Are you willing to bet on yourself? Forfeit takes accountability to a whole new level by making you set stakes for your goals. If you fail, the money you put into it goes to charity. This financial incentive is intended to keep you disciplined.

Its unique win-win approach is highly effective for boosting motivation. While Forfeit is completely free, you can purchase additional features within the app to further customize your experience.


  • Win-win financial incentive
  • Unique approach
  • Customizable


  • Can be costly if you don't meet your goals

12. Centered


  • Free


  • Play Store: N/A
  • App Store: 4.5

Some of us thrive with a gentler, calmer approach when it comes to achieving our goals. That's what Centered is for. The app combines productivity tools with mindfulness to boost focus while keeping you relaxed.

Centered offers progress tracking, task management, and guided meditation sessions, to help you stay on top of your goals. It's also completely free, but you can unlock more features with in-app purchases to customize your experience.


  • Balanced approach
  • Guided sessions
  • Progress tracking


  • Limited free features
  • Only available on iOS

13. Goals Wizard


  • Free (with ads)
  • Premium: $6.99/mo.


  • Play Store: 4.4
  • App Store: 4.7

Tired of seeing the life you want always just beyond your reach? It's probably because you haven't established a solid path to get there. GoalsWizard's structured, step-by-step plan, goal-setting tools, and daily tracking features help you achieve your goal more efficiently.

Its detailed process and reports will help you turn your dreams into reality. The app also sets deadlines for specific tasks, making it a powerful tool for personal development. Its monthly subscription option allows you to further personalize its features to meet your needs.


  • Structured approach
  • Detailed, step-by-step process
  • Deadline setting


  • Ads in free version

14. Miracle Morning App


  • Free


  • Play Store: 4.6
  • App Store: 4.9

You know what they say, the morning sets the tone for the rest of the day. So, turn your mornings (and your days) into miracles with the Miracle Morning app! This tool helps you establish a morning routine with various activities like journaling, exercise, and meditation.

These guided activities guarantee that you set the day on the right foot. It's an excellent holistic morning routine app that helps improve your overall well-being.


  • Morning routine formation
  • Guided activities
  • Tracks progress


  • Limited free features (expandable through in-app purchases)

15. Nuj


  • Free (with ads)
  • Premium: $2.99/mo.


  • Play Store:
  • App Store: 4.8

It's time to let go of your "just five more minutes" habit. That snooze button isn't your friend, but Nuj is! This app helps you establish better habits through accountability. It tracks your habits and offers reminders to keep you on track with your goals.

The combination of its accountability features, progress tracking, reminders, and habit-building tools boosts productivity and transforms your life before you know it. Its affordable monthly subscription makes it all worth it.


  • Habit-building
  • Reminders
  • Affordable


  • Ads in free version

Accountability Apps to Stay Up!

Groggy or glorious? The line that divides these two lies in an accountability alarm app, and you have the freedom to choose where to stand. Waking up and reaching your goals doesn't have to be chaotic and draining.

An innovative alarm paired with an accountability app is all you need to conquer the day, every day. No more snoozing and losing. Starting today, it's all about getting up and leveling up. Here's to a more accountable future!

If you're ready to begin your journey, try out how accountability can change your life with our personalized coaching app. We'll gift you the first two weeks for free!