Hey there! If you've just hopped over from my last article on "How To Be Productive With ADHD" and you're feeling all fired up and ready to take on the world, here's the list of apps to help manage your ADHD symptoms I promised you! And if you're new here, hi! Welcome to our nest of productivity, snuggle in and get comfy because I have an arsenal of apps waiting for you to try. I'd also recommend you read the previous article, there are lots of good tips there that can help you manage your ADHD.

Why Apps and ADHD are a Match Made in Heaven (Backed by Science!)

We all know how ADHD turns daily tasks into an improv show, thanks to those funky executive functions. Don't sweat it though, sometimes we all need a co-pilot. Enter: our loyal smartphone, armed with some truly game-changing apps.

Ever get lost in time, when seconds turn into hours? Well, that's 'time blindness' at work, one of ADHD's special tricks. Fear not! Timer and set reminder apps are like your personal Gandalf, protecting your commitments with a loud "You shall not pass... your deadlines!" and keeping you on schedule.

Next up, the old classic 'Where's my...?' mystery. With ADHD, memory can play hard to get, making organization feel like a scavenger hunt. But, here's the secret: there are tracking apps that can track everything from appointments to those sneaky keys you were looking for.

When it feels like focusing on tasks is like trying to catch a butterfly, task management apps come to the rescue and break tasks into bite-sized pieces, helping you tackle your to-do list like a boss. And when you're done with those, don't forget to give your super-speed brain some much-deserved rest with some brain massages with some mindfulness time. Yes, we have apps for that too!

So, with your super brain and these handy apps, ADHD doesn't stand a chance!

Top Productivity Apps for ADHD:

1. Task and Time Management Apps

Are you and time often not on speaking terms? Don't worry! Task and time management apps are here to patch things up, transforming your smartphone into a personal timekeeper.



  • Basis: Free
  • Pro plan: $4/month
  • Business: $6/month


  • Apple Store: 4.8
  • Google Play: 4.4

Welcome to Todoist, the to-do list app on a healthy dose of steroids! Remember the school assignment boards? Todoist is like that, but way cooler. It allows you to not just list tasks but to prioritize, categorize, and even assign them. The superstar feature? Natural language processing. When you say, “Dinner with Joe next Friday at 7”, Todoist gets it and sets it. No fumbling through date pickers or dropdown menus. And for the cherry on top? The Karma system. Think of it as a fitness tracker but for productivity. As you tick off tasks, you earn points and level up. So, you're not just being productive, you're literally winning the game of life!


  • Project Templates: Whether it's planning a vacay or a work project, Todoist gets you started right.
  • Offline Functionality: No signal? No problem!
  • Every Device, One List: Bouncing between devices? Todoist's got you. Sync your tasks wherever you are – whether chilling at home, powering through work, or catching a bus.


  • Missed Overview: Todoist organizes tasks into projects, which is great. But hoping for a one-glance look at everything? That's a bit of a miss.
  • Premium Features, Premium Price: Some of the best features come with a cost, some folks find it a tad on the pricey side.



  • Basis: Free
  • Personal: $14.99/month
  • Professional: $17.99/month


  • Apple Store: 4.4
  • Google Play: 4.5

This app isn’t just about jotting down stuff; it's about organizing life in digital notebooks - from daily chores to the ultimate bucket list. With Evernote, you can save web clippings, voice memos, photos, and more. So, whether you're an aspiring chef saving recipes, a writer capturing ideas, or just someone trying to remember where the heck they parked, Evernote is like your digital brain extension.

The real magic? Evernote's search function. Unlike scribbling in a physical notebook where you'd flip endlessly to find that 'thing', Evernote points you right to it, even if it's a handwritten note or in an image. That's like having a detective for your notes!


  • Versatility: Allows users to capture notes in various formats, such as text, audio, images, and PDFs.
  • Organization: Features notebooks, tags, and powerful search capabilities to organize and locate content efficiently.
  • Sync & Share: Synchronizes seamlessly across multiple devices and offers collaborative features to share notes with others.


  • Price: The free version has limitations, and premium features can be relatively costly for some users.
  • Lack of Note Security: Individual notes can't be password-protected in Evernote, a potential downside for those storing sensitive intel.



  • Basis: Free
  • Unlimited: $7/month
  • Business: $12/month
  • Enterprise: Under consultation


  • Apple Store: 4.7
  • Google Play: 3.0

You know how a Swiss Army Knife has a tool for every purpose? ClickUp is basically that, but for your professional life. This project management tool is a beast! From setting detailed project boards to time tracking, it not only helps you prioritize tasks, ensuring those important tasks with looming due dates don't get lost, but it also assists you to stay organized.

Its strength? Custom views. Whether you think in lists, boards, or calendars, ClickUp lets you mold your workspace just how you like it. It's all about personalization. Another feather in ClickUp's cap? Integrations! Let's admit, juggling between apps is a pain, and with this app, you can bring most of your work tools under one roof. So, rather than hopping between apps like a digital kangaroo, nestle down in ClickUp's one-stop shop!


  • Comprehensive: Combines tasks, docs, goals, and chat in one app, eliminating the need for multiple productivity tools.
  • Customizable: Allows users to customize their workspace, views, and statuses to fit their workflow.
  • Integrations: Offers integration with a multitude of third-party apps, such as Slack, Trello and Google Drive.


  • Complexity: Due to its comprehensive nature, it can be overwhelming for new users.
  • Notifications: The system can sometimes be too aggressive, leading to notification overload.
  • Mobile Experience: The mobile app is not as smooth or intuitive as its desktop counterpart.



  • Basis: Free
  • Premium: $3/month
  • Teams: $5/month


  • Apple Store: 4.6
  • Google Play: 4.4

Any.do is a great app, especially handy for adults with ADHD. It's like that friend with an impeccable memory, who ensures you don’t have those awkward “I forgot the milk” moments when trying to handle important tasks. You can effortlessly create to-do lists, and the Unified Task List groups tasks by date, making everything crystal clear. Got a packed week? The Calendar Integration gives you a pristine view, ensuring there’s no double-booking mess.

And my favorite? The Location-Based Reminders. Just picture passing the grocery store and getting a timely nudge to pick up those dinner ingredients. Super handy, right?


  • Syncing: Real-time updates across devices.
  • Simple Interface: Jump right in, no tech degree needed.
  • Integration: You can pair it with your Google Calendar.


  • Limited Free Version: The shiny stuff is premium.
  • Customer Service Woes: Reportedly, if you're expecting lightning-fast help, brace for some patience-testing moments.

Cozi Family Organizer


  • Basis: Free
  • Cozi Gold: $2.50/month


  • Apple Store: 4.8
  • Google Play: 4.4

Last, but not least, welcome Cozi, the app that’s like a family's digital bulletin board. At its core, it's about keeping families in sync, from school pickups to weekend picnics.

Its major hit? Shared calendars. Everyone knows who’s doing what, when, and with whom. No more double bookings or forgotten playdates! And who can forget the to do lists? Not just any lists. Think of shared shopping lists. When your partner picks up milk, it's checked off in real-time on your list too - you can assign tasks yourself!

So, no more coming home with two cartons of milk and a disappointed, "Didn't you see my message?" chat!


  • Family-Centric: Keep forgetting Aunt Marge’s potluck or little Timmy's football practice? No more! Loop in every VIP in your kiddo’s life. Designed specifically for families, offering shared calendars, shopping lists, and more.
  • Color-Coding: Assigns colors to family members, making it easy to see who's doing what.
  • Meal Planning: Incorporates a feature for meal planning and recipe storing.


  • Ad Interruptions: The free version is sprinkled with ads. Not the end of the world, but like that surprise raisin in your cookie, it can be a tad annoying.
  • Not a Full-on Co-parenting Kit: Looking for in-app chats, expense tracking, or other co-parenting bells and whistles? Cozi's got a different focus and skips on these.
  • Limited Collaboration: While great for families, it may not be suitable for other group types due to its family-focused features.

2. Habit Tracking apps

Forming new habits can feel like taming a wild horse with ADHD. Fear not, with habit tracking apps, it's more like a fun rodeo, helping you build healthy habits while enjoying the ride.



  • Basis: Free
  • Premium: $90/month


  • Apple Store: 4.8
  • Google Play: 4.4

Have you ever wished for a personal coach to simplify your goals and cheer you on for every little win? GoalsWon might be your guy! Think of it as having a daily accountability partner but with a background in the science of productivity and a pocket full of tricks!

Every day, you get to engage with a real human coach (you heard me right, no bots!) who gives you feedback ensuring that your journey toward smashing your goals is both informed and personalized! This isn’t a static app that merely tracks, it actively engages, motivates, and educates. Your daily check-ins with your coach ensure that you're always on the right track, and any hurdles you face? You've got expert advice to jump over them.

It's like having a coffee chat about your day's achievements, minus the caffeine. Available on both iOS and android, as well as web.


  • Real human feedback: Not just any feedback – you're getting advice and nudges tailored just for you from real folks on a daily basis. Feels personal, right?
  • Daily Check-ins: Having someone (yes, a real person!) to answer to can really boost your odds of crushing those goals.
  • Simplicity: Simple is sometimes best. You'll find the app easy to navigate, so you can zero in on those daily tasks and monthly targets.


  • Price: While it's definitely a perk having a pro nudging you daily, it does come with a higher price tag than going solo. When you compare it to other 1:1 coaching options though? It's a steal.
  • Not as comprehensive as a ToDo app: You can whip up goals, tweak schedules, and set 'em on repeat, but creating subgoals or app integrations aren't on the menu.



  • Basis: Free
  • Premium: $4.99/month


  • Apple Store: 4.0
  • Google Play: 4.4

Mixing fun and productivity, Habitica turns your life into a game! Remember leveling up in video games? With Habitica, you're the character, and life's the game.

As you nail habits, your avatar gets stronger. But slack off, and, well, you get the drift! It's your childhood dream: battling monsters, earning armor, and joining friends on quests. Only this time, the monster is “skipping the gym” and the quest might be “drink 8 glasses of water daily”. It's more than a to-do list; it's an epic role-playing game with you at the center. Join guilds, embark on quests, and team up with friends to tackle challenges. With Habitica, every day is an adventure where real-life progress meets virtual rewards.


  • The Fun Factor: With gamification, habit tracking morphs into a thrilling role-playing game. Who said chores can't be a quest?
  • Community: Offers social features, such as challenges and guilds, to motivate users. Go team!
  • Versatility: Allows for tracking habits, daily tasks, and to-dos in one place.


  • Motivation Dependency: The gamified approach may not work for everyone; some might find it distracting or not motivating.
  • Offline? Uh-oh!: You'll need that sweet, sweet internet connection to use the app.



  • Basis: $4.99/month


  • Apple Store: 4.4 ★
  • Google Play: 4.2 ★

Habitify isn't just a habit tracker—it's your personal, pocket-sized motivator designed for building a powerful personalized routine. Tired of forgetting how many tasks you have or falling off the wagon with your habits? Habitify's elegant design and smart reminders are the great feature you've been looking for to make sure you're always on track.

Dive deep into analytics and spot trends, strengths, and areas to improve with its visually pleasing charts. And if you're a social butterfly, you'll love the app's community feature. Swap stories, get tips, and find that little extra nudge when you need it from others just like you, committed to building better habits. With Habitify, it's not about just logging habits; it's about truly understanding and cultivating them.


  • Consistency King: With its smart reminders, Habitify ensures you stick to your guns every day.
  • Analytical Ace: Don't just track, analyze! Its in-depth charts give you insights on your habit-building journey.
  • Community Connect: Meet fellow habit builders, share tales, tips, and get that extra push when the going gets tough.


  • Simplistic Structure: While its design is clean, some might crave more complex features or customization options.
  • Focus Factor: It’s all about habits. If you’re looking for a broader life-management tool, this might not be the one-stop-shop.
  • Reminder Overload: For those who are averse to notifications, the frequent reminders could be a bit much. Remember to tailor it to your preference!

Google Keep


  • Basis: Free
  • + 100GB storage: $1.99
  • + 200 GB storage: $2.99
  • + 2 TB storage: $9.99


  • Apple Store: 3.5
  • Google Play: 4.1

With Google Keep, you're basically getting a digital sticky note bonanza. The Color-Coded Notes option isn’t just fun (who doesn't love a rainbow?), but it’s also a game-changer for organization. Forget spending hours finding that one note - just associate blue with work and pink with grocery lists!

And get this: the Voice Memo feature transcribes your verbal notes. That's right! Ramble on, and Google Keep will jot it down. To top it off, the Collaborative Notes let you and your buddies or colleagues work on a note together. Plan a surprise party, craft a shopping list, or brainstorm, all in real-time!


  • Text from Images? No Problem: Snap a pic, and voila! It can pull out the text for you, making it super handy when you want to jot down something in a jiffy.
  • Integration with Google Services: It’s like the well-behaved sibling in the big Google family. Plays nice with all its brothers and sisters.
  • Reminders: You can set one-time or recurring reminders based on time or location. "Buy girlfriend her favorite flowers when near the flower shop"? Covered!


  • Messy Desk Syndrome: Organizing notes can feel like trying to herd cats. It might not be your go-to if you're all about neat files and folders.
  • Clipper Needs Some Gym Time: The web clipper could do with some beefing up. It's not the strongest tool in the shed.
  • Sharing, but No Boundaries: You can share notes, sure. But setting access restrictions? That's a no-go. It's like throwing a party but not being able to control the guest list.

HabitBull (on iOS) / Habit Tracker (on Google Play Store)


  • Basis: Free
  • Premium: $4.99/month


HabitBull is that colorful school planner we all wanted. One of its standout features is its crisp, colorful calendar view, and every day you stick to a habit, you get the satisfaction of marking it off, and those streaks? You'll soon find yourself not wanting to break the chain!

HabitBull digs deeper with detailed statistics, giving you a bird's-eye view of your progress over weeks or months. And if you're a fan of community support (because who isn’t?), there's a whole tribe of HabitBull users ready to cheer you on, share advice, or offer a virtual shoulder when things get tough.


  • Detailed Tracking: Provides users with detailed streaks, success percentages, and patterns.
  • Tech Harmony: Whether you're on your phone, tablet, or another gadget, it syncs up smoothly. Say goodbye to digital déjà vu!
  • Motivational: Contains inspiring quotes and a community for support.


  • Starter Limitations: On the free version, you're capped at tracking just five habits. Kinda like being on a habit diet.
  • No timer: No alarms. No buzzers. Might be easy to lose track of time and the "I'll only take a 5-minute break" turns into an hour-long snack adventure.
  • Learning Curve: Some users might need time to navigate and use all its features efficiently.

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3. Mindfulness and Meditation Apps

Ever wish for a pause button amidst the whirlwind of ADHD? Step into the calming oasis of Mindfulness and meditation apps and offer that supercharged brain of yours a much-needed vacation.



  • Standard: Free


  • Apple Store: 4.9
  • Google Play: 4.8

Imagine an app that's like a cozy nook for your thoughts, where they can slow down and just breathe. That's Medito! Designed for both newbie meditators and seasoned Zen masters, it offers a selection of guided sessions and calming soundscapes to help declutter your mind.

Guided by volunteers and experts who believe mindfulness should be accessible to all, this app focuses on helping you dive deep without diving into your pockets: it's free forever, and no hidden strings attached! So, whether you're trying to find your zen before a big meeting or winding down for the day and sleep, Medito's got your back. From basics to specific courses like self-esteem and stress, Medito's like the friendly local library of meditation resources, always open, and always free.


  • Completely Cost-Free: Not only it's a free app, it's free from those pesky ads too. How refreshing, right?
  • Meditate Off-the-Grid: No signal? No problem! You can download and listen offline. Perfect for those secluded retreats.
  • Courses and Singles: Provides structured courses as well as single-session meditations for flexibility.


  1. Basic Interface: While simple, the user interface might not feel as polished as others.
  2. Less Personalization: Might lack advanced personalization features present in paid apps.



  • Basis: Free
  • Premium: $2.99/month


  • Apple Store: 4.8
  • Google Play: 4.5

Ever had one of those days where your brain feels like it's stuck in a traffic jam? Headspace is your scenic detour! Think of it as the friendly neighbor who, instead of just waving hi, hands you a toolkit for a calmer mind. It’s not just about "inhale, exhale" – there's real science backing up their meditation mojo.

Beyond the classic meditation, Headspace offers bite-sized sessions for life's curveballs. Big meeting? There's a session for that. Sleep troubles? They’ve got you covered. And those cute animations? It's like your brain getting its own animated pep talk. Dive in and let the mental decluttering begin!


  • Structured Programs: Offers a wide range of guided meditation programs tailored for various topics, from stress to sleep.
  • Animations: Unique, friendly animations that help explain meditation concepts simply.
  • Pick Your Peace: Want a quick 5-min breather or a deep 30-min escape? Choose the meditation duration that suits your mood.


  • Cost: While there's a free version, many of the advanced courses require a subscription.
  • Progress Tracking: Some users desire more in-depth metrics and feedback on their meditation progress.



  • Basis: Free
  • Premium: $14.99/month


  • Apple Store: 4.8
  • Google Play: 4.5

If Headspace is the wise dude, Calm is the enchanting fairy godmother. With soothing backgrounds (Hello, rainfall on leaves!) and daily meditation topics, Calm is like the scented candle of apps!

Now, this isn't just a random mix of soothing sounds. From sleep stories narrated by the silkiest of voices (looking at you, Matthew McConaughey) to meditation sessions for those overwhelming moments, Calm has your back. It's that serene corner café vibe but in app form, with ambient sounds and stories to make sleep a tad bit magical.


  • Diverse Content: Offers a broad range of guided meditations, sleep stories, breathing exercises, and even music.
  • Daily Calm: A daily 10-minute meditation that explores a new mindful theme each day.
  • Sleep Stories: Unique bedtime stories for both adults and children, designed to help users drift into sleep.


  • Price: Requires a subscription for full access, which can be on the pricier side.
  • Limited Free Content: The free version offers only a handful of meditations.



  • Standard: $12.99/month


  • Apple Store: 4.7
  • Google Play: 4.5

Breethe isn't just your run-of-the-mill meditation app. First, it gets brownie points for Personalized Meditations. Whether you’re dealing with work stress or trying to catch some Zs, Breethe curates a playlist for you.

Then there's its Life Tools section. Think of this as a pocket-sized buddy, helping you navigate challenges, be it insomnia or anxiety. And did I mention the Kids & Teens section? Yup, Breethe's got mindfulness tools even for the young ones in your family.


  • Broad Content Library: From sleep stories to masterclasses, it’s a buffet of calmness.
  • Short to Long Meditations: Whether you’ve got 5 minutes or an hour, Breethe’s got your back.
  • Daily Inspirations: Little nuggets of wisdom sprinkled through your day.


  • Premium Paywall: A lot of the juicy stuff comes with a price tag.
  • Ad Alert: During your free trial, pop-up commercials might drop by like uninvited party guests.
  • Missing DJ Controls: While you can create playlists, you can't customize your own meditation timer. It's like being given the ingredients but not being able to bake your own cake.

Simple Habit


  • Basis: $11.99/month


  • Apple Store: 4.7
  • Google Play: 4.6

Name gives it away, doesn't it? Simple Habit is your 5-minute pit stop in the chaos of daily life. With a variety of experts from different fields, it offers a smorgasbord of short and effective meditations. From morning routines to winding down after work, it’s like having a mini-mindfulness menu to choose from.

Oh, and did we mention? They’ve got specific meditations for moods and life situations. Burnt your toast and running late? There's probably a meditation for that!


  • Diverse Instructors: Features a wide range of meditation teachers and experts.
  • Situation-Based Meditations: Offers meditations tailored for specific situations (e.g., "tough day at work" or "can't sleep").
  • Short and Effective: Many of the meditations are 5 minutes, designed for busy lifestyles.


  • Subscription Model: To access the full library and features, you need a subscription.
  • Limited Free Version: The unpaid version has restricted content.
  • Choice Overload: It's like being in a candy store with too many options. With so much content, decision paralysis could strike!

4. Distraction Limiting Apps

Wish you could shut the door on distracting apps and websites? Distraction-limiting apps are like digital bouncers, keeping distractions at bay while you focus on slaying your to-do list.



  • Basis: Free
  • Pro: $1.99/month


  • Apple Store: 4.8
  • Google Play: 4.7

You know when you're determined to finish all your tasks, like that assignment or wrap up that work presentation, but your phone's like, "Hey, look at me!"? For people with ADHD or anyone needing that extra brain focus, Forest will become your new best friend! Plant a little virtual tree when you start a task, and if you can resist the siren call of your notifications and memes, that sapling grows into a proud, full-grown tree. But if you cave? Well, Timber!

It's not just about staying on task, though. Every time you succeed, you're not just growing a digital forest; you're taking steps towards planting real trees on Earth! So, not only are you smashing those goals, you're also giving Mother Nature a high-five. Now, who's ready to plant a forest and be the change?


  • Eco-Satisfaction: Watching your virtual forest flourish is like a pat on the back for your discipline.
  • Real-World Impact: Offers the option to plant real trees through in-app currency earned.
  • Customizable: Allows users to set their own focused time, tag tasks, and see statistics.


  • Emergency Exit Dilemma: In the middle of a session and there's an urgent call? It's like being caught between a rock and a hard place.
  • Specific Focus: Primarily deters phone use but may not deter distractions on other devices.
  • Tree Wishlist: We're tree greedy here! More tree types would be like... well, the cherry on top!



  • Premium: $4.99/month
  • (Discounts available for students and people experiencing financial hardship.)

Ah, the wilderness! We all know how navigating the vast forest of productivity can be tricky especially when certain tasks keep slipping. But what if you had a cuddly bear guiding you through? Enter Focus Bear, a tailored ADHD app and your fuzzy forest guide for both mobile and web!

Beyond its charming demeanor, Focus Bear shines in distraction blocking distracting elements across all your devices. It champions your morning routines, ensuring they're not sidelined by sneaky notifications. Plus, it advocates for regular 20-minute breaks, being smart enough to chill during important calls.


  • ADHD's New BFF: Created by a team with ADHD and tailored for people with ADHD! Plus, they sprinkled some neuroscience magic to boost that productivity - it's like they crafted a secret handshake just for you.
  • Synced-Up Serenity: Engage on one device, and the other slips into Zen mode.
  • Guided Routines: More than tracking; it's hands-on guidance.


  • Newer on the Market: Being potentially newer, might have fewer features or refinements than established apps.
  • Consistency Required: It thrives on regular use.
  • Might Over-block: Sometimes, it's a tad too protective.

Late No More


  • Free

We all have that one friend. You know, the one who’d be late to their own wedding? If time slips through your fingers like sand, Late No More is here to get you synced up. This ADHD app is a nifty reminder tool that makes sure you're not only reminded of tasks but also nudged to actually start them so you're punctual. It's less of an alarm and more of a buddy tapping their watch, whispering, "You've got this, but maybe...hurry it up a bit?"

Designed differently, Late No More isn't your usual calendar notification. It gets you. And once you’ve gracefully entered your appointment (thanks to its nudges), it prompts you to set an intention for the meet. So, you're not just physically there but truly engaged in the conversation.


  • ADHD-Friendly Design: Notifications designed for the ADHD mind.
  • Intention Setting: Ensures you're present, not just punctual.
  • Dynamic Alerts: Go beyond static reminders; it gets proactive.


  • Platforms: Currently only available for Mac (although you can enter the waitlist for when the Windows and mobile device app versions are available).
  • Calendar Dependency: Need to keep your calendar up-to-date.
  • Might Feel Nudgy: If you're not used to intention setting, it could feel jolty initially.



  • Basis: Free
  • Plus: $6.99/month
  • Business: Under consultation

Have you ever had trouble staying focused and wished you had a study buddy or a co-worker to silently judge—I mean, encourage—you as you power through tasks? Say hello to Focusmate! This web app pairs you with real-life accountability partners for 50-minute virtual work sprints, helping you dive into that deep focus zone. It’s like going to a library study session without leaving your desk. There’s a certain magic in knowing someone else is out there, grinding away just like you. It's the coffee shop ambiance with the added pressure (uh, motivation!) of a friendly face.


  • Keepin' it Real: Got a video buddy checking in, ensuring you aren't lost in meme land. Major accountability points!
  • All About the Hustle: Dive into a tribe that's all for getting stuff done. Motivation? Checked!
  • Your Time, Your Rules: Feeling productive at 2 am or 2 pm? With Focusmate's scheduling, you pick the time of the day you'd like to work in.


  • Video Call: Some might be uncomfortable with the video element or having strangers as accountability partners, and might find the camera too distracting.
  • The Bail: Just prepped up? Too bad. Someone decides to bail last-minute. It's like suiting up for a party that got canceled.
  • Start...Not Now!: Ready to dive in? Not so fast! Can't begin just when the motivation hits. It's a bit like being all set to binge-watch, but the next episode just won’t load, you have to wait for the next session. The suspense!



  • Individual: $7.49/month
  • Workplace:
  • 5 to 10 users: $2.75/month
  • 11 to 25 users: $2.25/month
  • More than 25 users: Under consultation


  • Apple Store: 4.7
  • Google Play: 3.3

Ever put on your favorite jam to get into the work groove, only to end up recreating the entire music video instead? Happens to the best of us! That’s where Focus@Will swoops in. This handy app doesn’t just play tunes; it curates scientifically optimized music to get your brain in the "I'm gonna crush this!" zone. Designed to enhance your focus time, it's like the soundtrack for when you need to remain focused on those pressing due dates.

But it's not a one-size-fits-all kind of deal. The app gets to know your vibe, tailoring tracks to your personal focus style. So, whether you're writing the next bestseller or deep diving into spreadsheets, it’s got a playlist with your name on it. Ready to jam your way to success?


  • Science-Driven: Uses neuroscience-based music channels to boost concentration. It puts you in a magical place where keyboards turn into pianos.
  • Diverse Sound Options: This isn’t just any playlist; it’s like a buffet for your brain! The music's crafted to make sure your neurons are groovin' just right.
  • Productivity Tracker: Users can track their focus sessions and productivity.


  • "How Productive Was I?" Meter: So, you remember those diary entries we made as kids, where we rated our days out of 10? This feels kinda similar. The productivity tools on this app lean heavily on the "trust system". It’s like when your workout app asks how many push-ups you did, and you "round up" a bit- wink wink. It's very self-report-y.
  • Music Preference: Some users might not resonate with all available music channels.
  • Craving Some Silence with Sprinkles?: For all those moments when you just want the soothing hum of, let's say, a fan or a distant train, there's no white noise option. Bummer, right? It's like going to an ice cream parlor and finding out they don’t have vanilla.

5. Gamify Productivity



  • Individual: $24.99/year
  • Squad Leader (Host up to 30 players): $99/year
  • Champion (Host up to 100 players): $ 299/year
  • World Changer (Host up to 200 players): $ 599/year
  • Custom (More than 200 players): Under consultation


  • Apple Store: 4.7
  • Google Play: 4.3

Diving into SuperBetter is like diving into a real-life game. The main charm here is its Power-Ups, fun activities designed to boost your mood and resilience. Got 30 seconds? Do a power-up and, boom, instant energy! Then there are the Bad Guys. These aren’t mustache-twirling villains, but rather daily challenges or negative habits you’re aiming to conquer. And the crown jewel? The Quests. These are daily actions aimed to bring you closer to your goals. Think of them as little missions in your own superhero journey.


  • Real-Life Gaming: Makes self-improvement a playful experience.
  • Evidence-Based: The techniques are rooted in scientific research, so you’re not just playing, you’re growing.
  • Community Support: Connect with fellow players for encouragement and team quests.


  • A Learning Curve: With its game mechanics, some might need a bit to get the hang of it.
  • Not for Everyone: The gaming approach might not resonate with all.
  • Requires Commitment: To see real results, regular engagement is key.

Habit Rabbit


  • Basis: Free
  • In-app purchases avaliable


  • Apple Store: No rating
  • Google Play: 4.5

If you’ve ever dreamt of a rabbit helping you make or break habits (hey, no judgment!), Habit Rabbit might just hop its way into your heart. As you crush your goals, not only do you level up, but you also help your adorable rabbit pal tidy their space, earning carrots and unlocking room bling.

Imagine: each habit you nail earns you room customizations, daily motivational quotes, and even pats on the back in the form of sweet encouragement. Plus, got a random task to remember? Throw it in the built-in to-do list, and you're set! This app just might just be the carrot at the end of the stick for all our procrastinators out there.


  • Visual Reinforcements: The animations make habit-tracking engaging, making habit-tracking feel more like a heartwarming adventure.
  • Sync Across Devices: Stay updated, whether you're on your phone or tablet.
  • Customization Fun: As you progress, unlock room/rabbit customizations, adding a personal touch and a visual reward for your consistency.


  • Not for the Minimalists: The animated rabbit theme, while adorable, might not resonate with those looking for a more traditional or professional design.
  • Limited Free Version: Some features are locked behind a paywall.
  • Risk of Feature Overwhelming: With so many features packed in, some might find it challenging to navigate or decide where to start.



  • Basis: $1.99/on time purchase


  • Apple Store: 2.6
  • Google Play: 4.6

EpicWin isn't just another to-do list app, it’s a world where your tasks transform into fierce monsters, and completing them? Well, that's how you level up your RPG character. Need to hit the gym? Slay that beast! Grocery shopping? Recover the lost treasure! With Task-Battles, each task becomes a mini-adventure, making your mundane chores feel like heroic quests. The app also boasts a unique Loot System. Yup, finish tasks, earn rewards, and get yourself some swanky gear. And let’s not forget the Progressive Leveling. As you knock off tasks, your in-game avatar levels up, proving to the world (and to yourself) that you’re not just winning at life, but also at this game.


  • Level Up Life: Got a task? Epic Win turns it into a quest! It's like turning your laundry into a dragon-slaying mission.
  • Character Boost: As you tick off tasks, your character levels up. So, you’re not just cleaning your room; you're beefing up your virtual avatar!
  • Loot-astic: Completed chores earn you sweet, sweet loot. Who knew adulting could feel like opening a treasure chest?


  • No Syncing Powers: EpicWin won't synchronize with other task managers or calendar to-dos you might already have in play. In the age of connected apps, this feels like a missed opportunity.
  • All About The Bling: For some, the RPG style might feel a tad childish or distracting. It's like putting sprinkles on everything - fun for many, but not everyone's cup of tea.
  • Not the Ultimate Task Manager: If you're searching for a robust task management tool this might feel a bit too playful. It's kind of like picking a toy hammer when you need to build a house.



  • Free 7-day trial
  • $15.99/month


  • Apple Store: 4.2
  • Google Play: 2.8

Numo is the sidekick you never knew you needed, it transforms your daily battles into victories with flair and fun. Remember your to-do list, that daunting scroll of dread? Well, Numo transforms it into a journey filled with quests for glory! For each task tackled you're rewarded, not just with a sense of accomplishment but with actual rewards within the app too.

The app's spell doesn't end with gamification, Numo delivers actual knowledge in the most engaging ways, whether it’s through witty memes or infographics that simplify the complex, it makes sure you learn in the most enjoyable way!

Numo's heart lies in its community though, where you get to connect with others, share victories, offer support, and navigate the world of ADHD as allies! With this app, you're not just managing symptoms, you're rewriting your story every day.


  • Gamified approach: Makes task management fun and rewarding, which amps up your motivation.
  • Bite-Sized Wisdom: Ever wished learning about ADHD could be as entertaining as scrolling through your favorite memes? Numo delivers that through engaging memes, infographics, and humor.
  • Circle of Support: Journeying through the challenges of ADHD feels lighter when you're part of a group. Numo connects you with others on the same path, offering encouragement, shared laughs, and that extra boost of motivation when you need it most!


  • Magical, But Not Free: The full range of Numo's enchantment comes at a price, with a subscription model that might not fit every adventurer's pouch.
  • Your Quest, Your Challenge: While Numo sets the stage for an epic journey, it shines brightest when it aligns with your unique way of engaging and learning.
  • Vibrant Aesthetic May Not Be for All: The cheerful and colourful aesthetic of Numo is adored by many, yet there's a chance it won't appeal to users looking for a more minimalist or somber looking design.



  • Basis: Free


  • Apple Store: 5.0
  • Google Play: 4.0

You know that feeling when you’ve got a goal, and you're like, "I'm gonna rock this!" but then your couch whispers, "Netflix and nap?" Yeah, BeeMinder feels you. This app isn’t just about jotting down your goals; it’s about putting your money where your mouth is. Literally! You pledge cash, and if you stray off your golden path (we're looking at you, tempting couch), you pay up. Ouch!

BeeMinder isn’t afraid to give you a playful nudge (or a sassy side-eye) when you need it. With its neat graphs and friendly reminders, it keeps you on track, aiming for a better you. So, ready to bet on yourself and buzz your way to success?


  • Financial Incentive: Puts real money on the line to ensure users stick to their goals.
  • “Hey, How’s It Going?”: If you're forgetful (guilty!), this app's got your back. Progress emails that you can reply to? Yep! It’s like getting a letter from your future successful self.
  • Integration: Can sync with other apps and devices, like fitness trackers, to automate data input.


  • Where’s the Manual?: First impressions? A tad confusing. No user guide, just FAQs and blogs. Remember your first dance? Two left feet? Kinda feels like that until you find the rhythm.
  • Pressure Cooker: Putting money on the line might turn up the heat a bit too much for some folks. If the idea of risking your dollars gives you more anxiety than enthusiasm, this might not be your cup of tea. Or coffee. Whatever brew you prefer.
  • About That Fine...: Punishment might bring up feelings of anxiety and stress instead of helping you develop a good relationship with your goals. Might not be for everyone.

Do It Now


  • Basic: Free
  • In-app purchases


  • Google Play: 4.4

Dive into a rich RPG setting where you're the main character, and every task you set is a quest. Need to study? That's a quest! Groceries? Another quest! With custom avatars, skill upgrades, and rewards, it’s a beautiful blend of gaming and getting stuff done. Every level up feels so rewarding. So, ready to turn that to-do list into a thrilling adventure?


  • Personal Growth Tracker: Imagine your life’s an RPG (role-playing game). With this feature, you're not just leveling up in a game, you're leveling up in life! From learning how to bake to mastering yoga, watch your 'character' evolve
  • Skill Points: Users can earn and allocate skill points in areas like charisma or intelligence based on their goals.
  • Tailor-Made Tasks: Design your own mission. Whether it’s “Vanquish the dirty laundry pile” or “Summon the strength to exercise”, it’s your quest, your way!


  • Learning Curve: The blend of RPG and task management can be confusing initially.
  • Overloaded Inventory?: With great customization comes... a risk of over-complicating things. Sometimes, simpler is sweeter.
  • Treasure Chests Ain't Free: Some of the shiniest features? They're hiding behind a paywall, like guarded treasures.


We've journeyed through the app jungle, uncovering tools to help with the challenges our ADHD buddies face. From tranquil sounds to help you focus, to quirky reminders, and tasks turned into epic quests, there's a lil' app magic for everyone. So, what's the game plan? Well, find the one that feels like your own personalized superpower. And hey, if you ever find yourself chasing digital squirrels, remember these apps have your back. So, equip yourself, embrace the ADHD superpowers, and let's level up together!