This week Raj and I did the rough wireframe for the web version:
Decided to keep it clean and simple, with a left navigation and right chat panels which can be collapsed. After getting that basic layout done Raj also started on the phone UI for the web version, which is recreating what we have already on the React Native (mobile app) side.
We also got basic authentication up using Firebase's built in library, now you can create and login via email which will help us start on testing. The library also supports other methods like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Mobile # etc which is really cool - we plan to add these later.
Next up
The goal we're trying to reach over the next week or two is to get the Goals section working and integrated with the cloud sync.
This will let me to actually start using the working prototype for my daily goals, ie- create, tick progress and submit results including images and comments. The coach side won't be there yet but at least I can start to use the mobile and web versions for my own daily tracking so Raj and I can iterate based on real usage. Can't wait!
What should I rename Profile to?
Am thinking the profile section should be renamed, as it doesn't really fit the content. I was thinking possibly Journey or Progress. Which do you like... or any other ideas?
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